Cornhole has been around for quite some time and chances are you have seen it in a friend’s backyard or at a party somewhere. Heck, you might have even seen it on TV, yes, on TV.
Chances are you know a little bit about cornhole but I am willing to bet you didn’t realize there is a whole dictionary of slang cornhole terms that you will love using. It is a good thing I came up with THE comprehensive list of terms that most cornholers (that is one of them, trust me) use.
Below I have compiled a list of over 60 cornhole slang terms for you to add to your vocabulary.
If you can’t wait to get your own set of boards today, then check out the selection over at Amazon, and make sure you get yourself a good set of bags while you are over there. They make a huge difference in your gameplay.
If you want to know all the rules, backyard and official tournament, go check out our article on the topic right here on Outdoor Diversions to get you started out the right way.
Cornhole Terms And Slang
Ace – An ace gives the thrower one point for landing a bag on the cornhole board. The bag has to stay on the board and not touch the ground to be counted as an ace. Some people also call it a cow pie.
Use this word in a sentence: “Looks like you just got an Ace on that throw”
Air Mail – Air mail is when a player throws their bag straight into the hole without touching the board. This throw has several other names including swish, glory hole, nothing but hole, and crowd pleaser.
Use this word in a sentence: “Wooo! I just sunk an air mail to win the game!”
Back Door – When a bag scores over a blocker by bouncing and entering the hole or flying directly into the hole.
Use this word in a sentence: “He thought his blocker would work but I just backdoored him!”
Backstop – When a bag goes past the hole but stays on the back of the board. This becomes a good target for sliders to hit up against to slow their momentum and possibly get them a cornhole.
Use this word in a sentence: “I don’t think I would have gotten that cornhole without that backstop to help.”
Blocker – A bag that lands on the board and in front of the hole “blocking” it so other bags cannot slide in without knocking the blocker in as well.
Use this word in a sentence: “Go ahead and try to back door my blocker.”
Candy Corn – Candy Corn has many different names but it means to throw a weak toss that doesn’t even make it to the board. Also known as a Sally, Corn Patty, Weak Sauce, Suzy, and Mary.
Use this word in a sentence: “Couldn’t even hit the board with that candy corn.”
Cornado – The player with the highest score in the game and is on a roll.
Use this word in a sentence: “Don’t mess with me. I am the cornado this game.”
Cornament – Cornament is a cornhole tournament.
Use this word in a sentence: “I placed third in the cornament yesterday.”
Cornhole – When a player gets a cornhole when they get their bag into the hole, scoring three points. Also called a drano.
Use this word in a sentence: “Perfect timing on that cornhole. Just got myself three points.”
Cornholed – Getting hit by a stray bag is being cornholed.
Use this word in a sentence: “Watch where you are throwing. You just cornholed me right in the face.”
Cornstar – A player that is very confident or cocky.
Use this word in a sentence: “This guy thinks he is a cornstar out here.”
Cornzizzle – A player gets all four of their bags into the hole in a single round is a cornizzle. This is also called a double deuce, grand bag, gusher, Jumanji, catorace, 12-pack, four-bagger, and golden sombrero.
Use this word in a sentence: “Wow, I have never seen anyone get a cornizzle before.”
Corn on the cob – When all four bags land on the board. This is also called Leprechaun and Four-leaf clover.
Use this word in a sentence: “You must be pretty good to get a corn on the cob on your first toss.
Cornholer – One who plays cornhole all the time or is a huge fan.
Use this word in a sentence: “I’m a huge cornholer! I have my own custom boards and play every day!”
Cow Pie – You receive a cow pie, one point, for having a beanbag land and stay on the board.
Use this word in a sentence: “A cow pie is better than no points. I’ll take it.”
Dirt Bag – A bag that is on or touching the ground. This is a foul bag and isn’t worth any points. Also called a stanker.
Use this word in a sentence: “It looked like it was on the board, but it was actually a dirt bag.”
Dirty Roll Up – When a bag first hits the ground before “rolling” up onto the board. No points are awarded.
Use this word in a sentence: “Damn dirty roll up at the end cost me the game.”
Double Deuce – When a player gets four cornholes in a single round.
Use this word in a sentence: “Man that was a sweet double deuce she just threw.”
Double Stack – This throw is when you stack two beanbags on top of each other and simultaneously toss them at the cornhole board. This is not an acceptable throw for tournament play but can be played in some backyard settings, depending on the cornholers rules.
Use this word in a sentence: “He just got two cornholes off that double stack. So lucky!”
Drain O – A bag that is tossed and goes into the hole is called a drain-o. This gives 3 points for the player or team that tossed. Also called a cornhole.
Use this word in a sentence: “That guy just keeps hitting those drain Os tonight.”
Faultn’ – This is when you step over the foul line by stepping in front of the cornhole boards leading edge causing a fault.
Use this word in a sentence: “If she keeps faultn’, she is going to lose the game.”
Fling – Some players hold the bag by one corner and “fling” the bag with a flick of the wrist.
Use this word in a sentence: “You have gotten that fling technique perfected.”
Flop – When a bag is tossed in cornhole and there is no spin or rotation during its flight, and flops down on the board.
Use this word in a sentence: “That flop turned into a great blocker right by the hole.”
Four Bagger – This is similar to a double deuce or gusher but a single player gets four bags in the hole in a single round without the help of their own, or other players, bags.
Use this word in a sentence: “A four bagger is a tough feat, even for professionals.”
Frisbee – A throw where the bag spins in the air like a frisbee.
Use this word in a sentence: “A lot of pros throw like a frisbee with just a flick of their wrist.”
Glory Hole – When a player tosses a bag and it goes into the hole without touching the cornhole board. Also called an air mail.
Use this word in a sentence: “Sunk that one right in the glory hole.”
Granny – A player uses both hands and makes a throw from between their legs.
Use this word in a sentence: “Look at him, throwing like a granny.”
Grasshopper – A grasshopper is a bag that bounces off the ground and then lands on the board. Some backyard rules allow this type of throw as a point. Also called a dirty roll up.
Use this word in a sentence: “That grasshopper rolled right up on the board.”
The Great Cornholio – Four cornholes in a turn. Also known as a Gusher, Jumanji, Double Deuce, Catorce, Cornzilla, Four Bagger, 12 pack, Golden Sombrero, and Galbraith.
Use this word in a sentence: “Did you see that?! They got a Great Cornholio!”
Gusher – When a singles player gets four bags in the hole in a single round. See above.
Hammer – A hammer refers to the last bag tossed in a round or inning.
Use this word in a sentence: “Looks like you get to toss the hammer.”
Hanger – This is a term for bags that dangle over the edge of the hole. It is also sometimes known as a lipper, dingleberry, or rim job.
Use this word in a sentence: “Too bad that bag is just a hangar and not a cornhole.”
Holy Moly Triple Cornholy – This is when a player gets three cornholes in a row.
Use this word in a sentence: “Holy moly, triple cornholy! Nice shots!”
Honors – When a team is the last to score in the previous inning, they receive the honors to toss first in the next inning.
Use this word in a sentence: “Your team won, you have the honors.”
Hooker – A hooker in cornhole is a bag that manages to hook or curve to go around a blocker bag and go into the hole.
Use this word in a sentence: “That was a nice hooker to get around my blocker.”
Jumper – A bag that hits another bag and jumps into the hole.
Use this word in a sentence: “That was a lucky jumper.”
Jump Shot – A jumpshot is when a player jumps and shoots the bag at the hole like a basketball player. This is an overhand shot and is not allowed in tournament play.
Use this word in a sentence: “You look like Jordan trying to make that jumper.”
Knuckleball – Throwing a bag just like you would throw a knuckleball in baseball.
Use this word in a sentence: “Alright,this isn’t baseball, enough with the knuckleballs.”
Light ’em Up – Cornhole lights for nighttime play is a must have addition. This means to turn them on.
Use this word in a sentence: “Ok it is getting dark, lets light em up.”
Lipper – A bag that is on the board, halfway hanging into the hole, but not all the way through to gain the 3 points. Also called a dingleberry or hangar.
Use this word in a sentence: “That lipper ain’t going nowhere.”
Make Them Glow – Cornhole lights for nighttime play is a must have addition. This means to turn them on.
Use this word in a sentence: “I can’t see the hole. Lets make em glow.”
Nothing But Hole – A bag straight in the hole that doesn’t ever touch the board.
Use this word in a sentence: “Ah yea, nothin but hole baby.”
Police – Cornhole score keepers or tournament officials.
Use this word in a sentence: “Lets ask tha police what the score is”
Push Bag – When a bag either pushes or pulls two or more other bags into the hole.
Use this word in a sentence: “That push bag just got me a bunch of points.”
Rim Job – Rim job is when a bag looks like it’s about to go it but then bounces out. Some people also say a rim job is when the bag sits on the rim of the hole without going in. Some people would call this a ringer.
Use this word in a sentence: “That rim job is only going to get you one point.”
Sally – A weak toss. Also known as Candy Corn, Short Toss, Suzy, Mary, Corn Patty, and Weak Sauce.
Use this word in a sentence: “Way to throw that Sally, Sally.”
Shucked – When a player or team that has beaten 13-0. Not to be confused with a skunk.
Use this word in a sentence: “We shucked that team at the party last night. It was great.”
Shucker – When a bag is tossed and hits another players’ bag, knocking it off of the board.
Use this word in a sentence: “Just when you thought you got some points, I threw a shucker.”
Skunk – A skunk is when one team or opponent reaches 11 points and the opposite team has 0 points. This ends the game.
Use this word in a sentence: “Don’t get mad because we just skunked you.”
Sky Bag – When a beanbag is tossed really high and lands over the board on the ground.
Use this word in a sentence: “Just because you were throwing Sallies earlier doesn’t mean you need to throw sky bags now.”
Slick Woody – A slick woody is when a bag hits the board first and then slides into the hole. Also called a slider.
Use this word in a sentence: “That was a nice slick woody you just threw.
Slippery Granny – A slippery granny is when you land your bag on the board three times in a row.
Use this word in a sentence: “Look at that slippery granny. Three points for you!”
Stanker – A foul bag is often called a stanker.
Use this word in a sentence: “You keep throwing stankers left and right.”
Stiff Woody – A player that chokes under pressure and ends up making a bad shot.
Use this word in a sentence: “She has been playing great all game but gets a stiff woody when the game is on the line.”
Swish – When the bag makes it through the hole without touching the sides.
Use this word in a sentence: “Throwing swishes from downtown all night like the NBA.”
Wash – A wash occurs when both teams manage to score the same number of points in one inning. In cancellation scoring, these scores cancel each other out with no points scored.
Use this word in a sentence: “Well that round was a wash. No one scored.”
Weak Sauce – A player who tosses and their bag lands short board.
Use this word in a sentence: “Haha that toss was weak sauce bro.”
White Wash – A white wash happens when one team or opponent reaches 11 points and the opposite team has 0 points. Also called a skunk.
Use this word in a sentence: “Looks like we are about to white wash you guys.
Woody – A bag that remains on the cornhole board gaining one point for the team or player that threw the bag.
Use this word in a sentence: “I’ll take that woody. A point is a point!”
There may be some more cornhole terms and slang I missed out on but this is definitely a very comprehensive list that should have you more than familiar the next time you hit the boards for some good old bean bag action.
We will update this post as often as possible when we hear of new cornhole terms and slang.
Image | Title | Price | Prime | Buy |
Top![]() | GoSports 4'x2' Classic Cornhole Set with Rustic Wood Finish | Includes 8 Bags, Carry Case and Rules, Red/Blue, Red;Blue | PrimeEligible | Buy Now | |
![]() | GoSports 4'x2' Regulation Size Wooden Cornhole Boards Set - Includes Carrying Case and Over 100 Optional Bean Bag Colors | PrimeEligible | Buy Now | |
![]() | Wild Sports USA Flag Cornhole Outdoor Game Set, MDF Wood, 2' x 3' Foot, Red/White/Blue (TT-SAS-03) | PrimeEligible | Buy Now | |
![]() | GoSports Tournament Edition Regulation Cornhole Game Set - 4’ x 2’ Wood Boards with 8 Dual Sided (Slide and Stop) Bean Bags, Natural | PrimeEligible | Buy Now |
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