What Are the 11 Steps of Archery: Mastering Your Process

When you want to start learning how to properly shoot in a reliable, quality manner that is also replicable. You never want to be able to make a shot once, you want to be able to make it repeatedly and hit the same place with each shot.

What are the 11 steps of archery preparation?

  1. Assume Shooting Stance
  2. Nock Your Arrow
  3. Set Draw Hand
  4. Set Bow Hand
  5. Pre-Draw
  6. Draw
  7. Anchor
  8. Aim
  9. Shot Setup
  10. Release
  11. Follow Through

Let’s jump into each of these steps and what is the purpose and need and why perfecting each of these will give you tremendous advantages. There are many steps and phases to a clean shot, learn and master each of these to grow your skill.

11 Steps of Archery Preparation

Step 1 – Assume Shooting Stance

Aligning your feet is first, you need to place one foot on each side of the shooting line. You need to find a comfortable position with your feet shoulder-width separated.

The foot nearest to the objective should be pulled back a little versus the back foot. You should be standing up, straight and tall, with your head up and your shoulders down and loose.

Step 2 – Nock Your Arrow

You want to keep your bow straight up, lift the bolt up and over the bow. You want to place the bolt on the bolt rest, holding the bolt near the nock.

You need to keep the record, which is the odd hued fletching, indicating far from the bow and toward you. Snap the nock of the bolt onto the bowstring just under the nock locator. Make sure to turn the bolt if the record fletching is not facing you.

Step 3 – Set Draw Hand

What you want to do is to grip your pinkie finger with your thumb, keeping your 3 remaining fingers together. You want to set the stack of your initial three fingers on the bowstring making a snare. When placed the string SHOULDN’T be in the knuckles or depressions of the fingers.

Step 4 – Set Bow Hand

Prep your bow hand on your hold by utilizing just the web and the substantial piece of your thumb (drop hold). While setting up your thumb needs to point forward at the edge of your grasp.

Next, your pointer finger should point down the front of your grasp and the rest of your fingers stay curled until the tips lay across the front of your grasp.

Your aim here is to ensure this bow hand remains loose throughout the entire shot process to improve accuracy. This may take some training but you want to work on NEVER grasping the handle with a tight fist at the risk of a poorer shot.

Step 5 – Pre-Draw

Next, you will want to raise your bow arm towards the objective, while holding your shoulder down. You want to stare down at the target over the tip of the arrow.

Then you need to rotate your bow arm elbow out far from the string. It should be at least marginally bowed. The elbow of your drawing arm needs to be close or level with the bridge of your nose.

Step 6 – Draw

Now you need to draw your bow back by turning your draw arm around until your elbow is directly located behind the arrow. Then continue, while taking a brief look at the target and keep the string taught at the focal point as you draw.

You want to maintain this as a continuous and ceaseless drawing motion all through your shot.

Step 7 – Anchor

You need to draw the string from the front of your button, setting the knuckle of your pointer at the side of your lip. When done right you should feel your teeth against your finger.

The string and your string hand need to be solidly against your teeth. Lightly touch the string to the focal point of your nose.

Step 8 – Aim

Focus your eyes and your gaze on your pointing point. This pointing point should be the measurement of the tip of an arrow, not a general range.

Now you want to look down the bolt and place the tip of the bolt onto your pointing point.

Step 9 – Shot Set Up

After achieving the stay point, and preparing your sight arrangement, make a slight development from your attracting shoulder and arm to the back.

You can discharge at whatever time amid this procedure. This is done likewise with the String Bow and the genuine bow.

Archery range close up hit with lots of practice arrows - What Are the 11 Steps of Archery

Step 10 – Release

Simply release the strain in your fingers and drawing hand, at the same time, while you proceed with the drawing movement without halting. Proceeding with the drawing movement will bring about your complete preparation.

Continue expanding the bow arm towards the objective as you discharge. Continue concentrating on the objective. You want to ensure you keep the fingers of your draw hand tight together.

Step 11 – Follow Through

Your stepping hand proceeds back along the face with fingers loose, winding up close to the shoulder. Bow arm keeps up its position. Continue concentrating on the objective and keep up your complete until the bolt hits the objective.

Think about how that shot just felt. After the bolt has hit the objective, hope to see where it hit. Consider how that shot just felt. If you can select any blunders, settle them amid the following shot.

Final Thoughts

Hopefully today you have a better understanding of how the 11 steps can help you hone in on being a better shot. Taking the time to get your fundamentals down is what helps to have you build your skill and become absolutely, amazing!

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